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Artist Statement 

     Central to my body of work is the idea of exposing what is typically hidden away. I am interested in exploring the subliminal and the concealed, both conceptually and through my use of materials. My work encompasses themes of the body, sexuality, femininity, and relationships, and how these subjects intertwine and inform one another. I am also interested in the shame that often surrounds these subjects and the tendency to hide that shame from the world. My work is deeply influenced by psychology and exploring the conscious and subconscious mind. I seek to address the act of repressing and hiding things deep within ourselves. I accomplish this by utilizing a variety of unconventional materials and processes within my practice. I construct and deconstruct spaces on both small and large scales to convey the idea of exposing the concealed.

    My larger scale works primarily consist of wall-like structures that I break into, revealing what lies beneath the surface. Inside of the walls, I incorporate materials such as pvc pipe and found objects. These materials lend themselves well conceptually to the work and convey the idea of exposing the things that are typically hidden away. Plumbing is something that is always present, but not typically salient, much like the themes that my work addresses. I cover the wall-like structures in delicate, feminine wallpaper and framed photographs which starkly contrast the crude and raw building materials. This juxtaposition of materiality evokes the narrative of what is presented to the world and what is concealed from it.

    My smaller scale works are reminiscent of dollhouses in which I am the doll. I transform the traditionally perfect and artificial experience of a dollhouse into a very raw and real one. I often depict myself in miniature bathrooms to illustrate shame and vulnerability. Bathrooms are very private spaces that house very private experiences that we often do not want to share with the world. By centralizing these spaces and experiences and revealing myself in these very intimate moments I hope to evoke themes of shame and vulnerability. I want to normalize shame and facilitate conversations around the subject through my work.

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